(1) Notice to MixCommerce: If you believe that content on any MixCommerce service has infringed your copyright or other intellectual property rights, please submit a formal notice containing the following information:

Please send your notice, containing the above details, to MixCommerce’s designated contact for copyright and intellectual property complaints at the following address:

IPR Complaints Desk
[Address of MixCommerce]

Phone: [+91 9206 980 980]
Email: [email protected]

(2) Take-down Procedure:

Upon receipt of the above notice, if MixCommerce is reasonably satisfied that the material infringes your intellectual property rights, we will take measures within thirty-six (36) hours to restrict access to the infringing material for a period of twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of the complaint or until a court order is received preventing access, whichever is sooner. We will also display a notice explaining the restriction to users attempting to access the material.

(3) Failure to Produce Court Order: If you fail to provide a court order within the stipulated time frame: